Tending the next generation

Tending and nurturing the next generation of land stewards. Meet the hearts & hands of Circadian Farm

Sylvan and Jessica are the 6th generation to steward their family’s farm in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York.

We apply an ecologically-based, whole system approach to land management, fostering abundant and ergonomic landscapes.

You can find us tending to our animals and growing nutritious, biodynamic food, flowers, and medicinal herbs on our land.

A slice of family farm history

Sylvan’s great-great-grandparents farmed this land and sold eggs, butter, herbs, cut flowers, and had home-butchered meat and fresh milk.  His great-great-grandpa was a local carpenter.  Sylvan’s great-great-great uncle Daniel Dieter farmed the land and grew celery and tobacco as his main source of income.

Our children are the 7th generation to call this farm and land Home.